Vladivostok free port’s economic frame functional model analysis

  • Andreev V.A.

    Associate professor of the department of management
    Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service
    Vladivostok. Russia

  • Sultanova E.V.

    Candidate of social sciences, associate professor of the department of management
    Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service
    Vladivostok. Russia


Aim of the study is substantiation of a prospective model and functional parameters of an economic framework of the free port of Vladivostok. Observed a scenario of formation of the economic framework of the free port until 2025 with consideration of the impact of major internal and external factors. To identify a key set of characteristics of the economic frame of the free port used a method of structural-functional analysis of possible organizational and economic patterns of interaction within the territories and the subjects in this project. Authors made a conclusion is that the economic framework of the free port can be represented as a set of points of the accelerated growth of economic activities in the territories included in its boundaries in forms of spatial-concentrated and spatial-distributed models. Such model can be viewed as an industrial regional cluster. Development of the economic framework is a natural market process based on interaction of residents of the free port, a special industrial-production economic zone of Vladivostok and industrial advanced development areas that can be integrated into a single chain of technological and cooperative ties at the level of the region. Economic model can also transforms into a form of an industrial district or territorial-production complex in the south of the Far East of Russia with a strong specialization in transport logistic services, shipbuilding and services. Residents of the free port being united into a regional cluster in the domestic market could stay in touch with others countries, transforming into international or trans-border clusters. Conclusions about the structure and basic characteristics of the economic framework of the free port are important at point of view of a conception of agglomeration structures and the spatial distribution of industrial and infrastructure facilities in the Russian Far East.

Keywords: economic framework, Vladivostok agglomeration, spatial localization, cluster interaction network model, economic space.